TSC Newsletter Photos (Archive Section)

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Gloucester Harbour Rally - Easter 2003

Entering Sharpness

Waiting to lock through

Swing bridge at Sharpness

Cruising along the canal

Moorings at Gloucester

Canal moorings beside the Severn at Sharpness

Sharpness moorings

Hanna, 7, winched up the mast


Keryn & Gary at the Fireball Worlds in Kenya

Air view race area

Kilfi Creek

Rolled container

Phil No luggage

Opening Ceremony

Boat park

Fireball 14777

Kilfi Creek, returning competitor


Rigging dhows


The fab pool


Spring 2003

Ian didn't realise that Indiana Jones wasn't a cowboy


Dangerous Don receives his prize

What you lookin' at boy?

Sid's edible warpaint

Some people take these things too far

Those pesky Indians

Red Indian Catering Ltd

Colin's rudder

Mary & Annie in Turkey #1

Mary & Annie in Turkey #2

Whose is the handsome Hanse?

New kid on the block - Cutty Stark


Winter 2002

Sailing Cancelled

Windsurfers Take Off


Nick Aground

Bill & Mary

Two Bobs and a Babs

Liz, Sandra & Di

Shelly, Paul & Tony

Norman & Audrey

Mary, Andy & Judy

Sunset in Oldbury Pill

Bill & Freda,
Angie & Harry

Bill et al


William helps clear
the locker on Fifth

William and Robin

Arcady at the Mumbles



Commodore's 50th


Autumn 2002

Relaxing at Club Week

Regatta visitors

Steve & Tony

Dining at Sundown

Spirit of Club Week

Thomas's team qualifies

Wheel Race

Café René

Submarine Officer

Spot the real Frenchman

Cumberland Basin



Portishead Hole

Editor lists
to port


The Beach

Thames Barge "Reminder"

Anna helms

Niarbyl and

Heading south to

Look-out Tower
at Collioure

Scorpions on the Beach

How did that

Cruising up the Avon

Dinner Dance 2002

Dinner Dance #1

Dinner Dance #2

Dinner Dance #3

Dinner Dance #4

Dinner Dance #5

Dinner Dance #6

Dinner Dance #7

Dinner Dance #8

Dinner Dance #9

Dinner Dance #10

Dinner Dance #11

Dinner Dance #12